This powerful DC gearmotor comes with a variable speed control and off switch, precision manufactured…
Instructional Video on Mixing
For years we have coached rod builders from all over the world on how to properly mix their rod finish. At long last we present to you our rod finish mixing video.
Is it okay to thin FC lite with denatured alcohol?
Yes, mix the finish as normal and then, once thoroughly mixed, add the solvent, we recommend a 15:1 ratio when thinning.
I have some flex coat wrap finish and epoxy from 4 years ago. Is it ok to use this
material after such a long time in storage? Thank you, Jeff
Is there a way to make the Flexkote longer working or is there a longer working product? I’m new to rod building and the Flexkote hardens to unworkable long before I am done with the guides. I have to continue to remix batches which seems to be a waste and expense.
Thank you,
Neil LaFave
Neil, the best way to make the working time last the longest is to pour the mixture out on aluminum foil. You can cover a paper plate with the foil and then pour it out on that. This will allow the heat of the reaction to escape easily and give you more time to work. Also, you can use it as a tray under the guide wrap you are coating to catch any drips. Another thing to consider to help you work faster and more efficiently is a faster finishing motor. Most rods are smaller inshore rods and can be finished very efficiently with a 100 to 200 rpm motor. Larger offshore rods will need to be done slower because of their size. Take a look at our variable speed DC gearmotors. They come in two speeds, 18-60rpm and 40-200rpm, and feature our original slip clutch. These tools will change you game on finishing your rods. One more thing, take a look at our catch the wave video on youtube, this technique made me much better at finishing my rods.
Regards, John
The part A can crystalize and the part B can turn yellow. You can melt the crystals in a hot water bath but the yellow is there to stay. Melt all the crystals and it should still work if measured and mixed thoroughly. Keep in mind that you will be diluting the yellow part B with the part A and then you will be applying it in a thin coat on your rod. You will only notice the yellow on white or light color blanks and wraps.
I have some CP that has thickened up. Can it be thinned a little and still used? About the thickness of unmixed flex coat.
You can try to add water and mix it, then brush it onto clear acetate to dry. If it dries clear it is good, if lumpy it is bad.
Hi, can i use scale to mix the flexcoat?
By taking the same weight of A and B
Yes, if you want to make things more complicated than they need to be. Flex Coat is designed to be measured by volume at a 1:1 ratio. The Part A and B are not the same density. The Part A is 1 grams to Part B 0.838 grams. We never recommend mixing less than 3cc of each part, so keep that in mind as well.
Is it possible to fix hills and valleys of the flex coat once the epoxy has set up?